Mars International

MARS International - Products and services for Textile & Garment Industry in Sri Lanka

Our ProductsOur ProductsOur ProductsOur ProductsOur ProductsOur Products

MARS International is one of well established product and services suppliers in Textile and garment industry in Sri Lanka. Over the years we have catered to many TOP range clients through out Sri Lanka. We are working with excilent chain of international suppliers who produce world class materials. Therefor we can can supply you any quantity of materials anytime.

Please contact us, we will be at your service in no time.

Mars International
Our Mission Our Belief Our Philiosophy

Ours is an industrial-oriented business. We effectively embody the views of the founding fathers to consider our employees as our greatest asset. We continue to invest in human resource development, coupled with the state of the art technologies to identify clear, rational and strategic design choices that are responsive to evolving customer needs.

We regard “Product Quality” as our life. It not only guarantees quality in every stage in manufacturing, but also attaches great importance to the needs being served and after-sales services. (Quality today is market tomorrow and our products should serve the customer to their hearts’ content.)

As we advent the 21st milepost of a productive century, it’s now opportune to take stock of our achievements and focus on the challenges posed by the global zing world today.

We have demonstrated our commitment to further continue to expand and consolidate our productivity, as well as undertake new initiatives to address the rapid changes in the global market in compliance with current trends, together with our employees and our